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Financial Stress

The results of a recent survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed financial stress in Australian households leads to anti-social behaviour, relationship conflict and breakdown, isolation, sleep loss and symptoms of depression. More than 66% of those suffering financial stress said money worries directly led to feelings of fear, anxiety and/or depression – three times higher than people unaffected by financial stress. They’re eight times more likely to have trouble sleeping, four times more likely to argue with their partner about money and more than a third (35.2%) admitted using alcohol or drugs to manage negative feelings associated with personal finances during the past month. These are just a handful of examples of the negative effects financial stress can have on our lives.

With cards becoming king, and debt coming fast, cash is almost left in the back seat. We used to check our wallets and purses and take out coins and notes to buy our morning coffee’s and if we had no cash, we had no coffee, right? Well cards don’t work like that. They are always full, never “deplete as such” and are always there for you, even when cash isn’t…

There are ways to manage your finances to “get around” financial stress. You can look at consolidating debt, better budgeting or selling assets to pay off debt. Finance advisors can be a good source of free information! Call EZ Finance today to for a chat.

By Phil Rice

CEO EZ Finance

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When the pandemic started in 2020, Tax Laws changed and the ATO stopped chasing debt. As the economy...

Author | Phil Rice

CEO EZ Finance

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Author | Phil Rice

CEO EZ Finance

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Author | Phil Rice

CEO EZ Finance

The results of a recent survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed financial stress in Australian households...

Author | Phil Rice

CEO EZ Finance

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Author | Phil Rice

CEO EZ Finance

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Author | Phil Rice

CEO EZ Finance

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Author | Phil Rice

CEO EZ Finance

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Author | Phil Rice

CEO EZ Finance

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Author | Phil Rice

CEO EZ Finance

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Author | Phil Rice

CEO EZ Finance

Nope! This is one of the easy ways the big banks attract customers and line they're greedy pockets. The cheapest option...

Author | Phil Rice

CEO EZ Finance

A strong theme is emerging from two consecutive years of Small Business Owner research according to various studies...

Author | Phil Rice

CEO EZ Finance



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